
As I have mentioned in an earlier post, “My Introduction to Gaming”, my interest in the wonderful hobby of playing video games, began very early in my life. I was just two-years-old when my cousin, who was 12 years old at the time, showed me his SEGA Genesis and a rather impressive collection of games. In this collection, he had a brand new game he had just purchased, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, which absolutely blew my mind and set me up for a life long passion for gaming.
My previous article inspired me to re-visit this spectacular game for the umpteenth time. Despite, having played it so many times in my life, I had not made the pilgrimage to destroy the Death Egg in over 5 years. That is a hell of a long time for a game that I had otherwise re-played at least once per year for most of my life. This yearly ritual was interrupted both by interference from my real-life responsibilities, developing strategies to combat my backlog, and my interest in pursuing games I have never beaten before.

In starting this site however, I have learned to strike an acceptable balance between revisiting the classics that defined my youth, and creating new memories via experimentation with new games and genres. Sonic the Hedgehog 2, is probably one of the most influential of these games that defined my childhood, primarily because it is the game that started it all, the culprit responsible for initiating my life long love affair with gaming.
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