I have been particularly busy with my regular job lately, which has slowed my release schedule significantly. It has not however, slowed my research and consumption of games… priorities man. To update the community, I would like to say that in the past weeks, I have completed three games and am currently working on a fourth that are relevant to the subject matter of this site; retro and retro-inspired games. Some updates:
Month: May 2018
Europe’s Chrono Trigger?: Terranigma (SNES) Resource

One of my favorite genres is top-down action RPG’s. This love stems from a life-long obsession with 2D entries of The Legend of Zelda series. Though it is arguable whether or not Zelda belongs solely to this genre, it regardless is a genre that provides the best of both worlds: the sense of growth and exploration, prevalent in RPGs, and the fast-paced, skill-based mechanics that define the action genre. As such, I am always on the look out for quality games that fit this archetype.
In high school, I became deeply involved in the emulation scene; spending most of my gaming time both reliving my childhood favorites, and further exploring the libraries of the consoles that laid the foundation for my life-long interest in gaming. Armed with my SNES controller and a USB-adapter, my under-powered family PC in my basement became a make-shift Super Nintendo.
I absolutely attacked the Super Nintendo and SEGA Genesis library, efficiently working my way through the system-defining gems regardless of region. My exploration of region-locked games ultimately led to the discovery that Europeans flipped shit about a game called Terranigma.
Heralding it as their equivalent to Chrono Trigger, not in gameplay style, but rather in level of influence and exclusivity, my European counterparts indirectly urged me to try Terranigma. With every positive review, every emotional forum post, and every sample of the game’s music, my interest grew exponentially.
I read on to discover Terranigma was the final entry in the Quintet Trilogy for the SNES, which also included the US releases Soul Blazer, and the fairly popular Illusion of Gaia. Being in the company of such quality games solidified my confidence in the Terranigma’s rave reviews
Despite my excitement to play the game, and the apparent legitimacy of its greatness, it eventually slipped through the cracks, lost in my ever-expanding backlog. For years, Terranigma always lingered in the back of my mind, begging me to partake in the divine adventure. That is until one day, I could no longer justify the procrastination; I finally dropped everything and dove into the adventure head first.
Continue reading “Europe’s Chrono Trigger?: Terranigma (SNES) Resource”
Secret Bosses #1: Bravely Default’s Adventurer and Comrade
Secret Bosses
In this series I will explain strategies to beat some of my favorite games’ secret bosses. You know the kind, the Final Fantasy series’ Ruby, Emerald Weapons, and Omega Weapons, Suikoden II’s Luca Blight, Red in Pokemon Gold and Silver; those optional or particularly hard bosses, that really add to the overall replay value of the game, and act as a topic of many a schoolyard discussion. Though they vary in difficulty, they always provide a challenge far beyond that of the main game, and are generally well hidden. This series will get straight to the point, no pompous language, just advanced strats, yo ;P
For the first entry in this series I will be exploring a strategy to defeat the Adventurer and his Comrade in Bravely Default for the 3DS.
Continue reading “Secret Bosses #1: Bravely Default’s Adventurer and Comrade”