As I wait to complete the game 100%, and gather enough screenshots to make an article vibrant in appearance, I find myself unable to contain my excitement: I must give my initial impression of Streets of Rage 4.
Piggybacking off of the recent announcement of Megaman 11 and the future re-release of the of the entire Megaman X series, Capcom has again made my week with the announcement of a 30th Anniversary Street Fighter Collection. The collection is jam-packed with content, containing the following:
Street Fighter
Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition
Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting
Super Street Fighter 2
Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo
Street Fighter Alpha
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter 3
Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
In addition to the massive collection of games, there will be four games with online functionality including Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting, Street Fighter 2: Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. The pack also contains a sprite viewer, versus CPU battles while waiting for online matchmaking and save states to bookmark single player progress.
Street Fighter II was one of the first few games my cousin taught me to play when I was two years old, and for that reason the series has held a special place in my heart. I have spent countless hours on consoles and in arcades being thoroughly mediocre at this series, and relishing every second of it.
Is this a return of Capcom to its former glory? Or just a quick, albeit desirable, cash grab?