It has been quite some time since I have posted an article. In the months of the pandemic I have been unable to find the time to write.
Without getting too personal, I am an essential healthcare worker and also taking classes so I have not been able to play many games, especially at the slow deliberate pace required to execute such a detailed review; combing through every inch of the game and taking hundreds of screenshots per playthrough.
As solution to this problem, I am going to shift away from rigid game reviews, and instead write detailed discussions about the games in a more free-form style. This will likely be article collections about specific aspects of a game, rather than one large article.
This frees me up in a number of ways:
- I can enjoy the writing process much more
- I can have the time to finally write about the 5 games I have 100% completed in the past two years, have completed screenshots, but have been unable to find the motivation to write a strict review
- Removing the burden of numerous screenshots will hasten my completion of games
- It also allows me to review games I have completed dozens of times in the past without having to start from scratch…. I want to focus on playing retro games I have yet to complete
I hope this message finds all my readers well and hope you enjoy the holidays safely.