Star Ocean for the Super Famicom is a visually beautiful, mechanically solid JRPG that was unfortunately kept within Japanese borders.
Despite being very enjoyable, Star Ocean suffers from being very short, ~25 hours will easily allow the player to complete the main narrative and most side quests.
Luckily, the developer’s decided to add a rather lengthy and difficult 30 floor post-game dungeon, that will likely require grinding nearly to level 100, which is a lot considering all that is required to easily beat the final boss is leveling up to 40-50.
Getting the Oracle Skill

The first step in unlocking the dungeon is defeating the final boss. After the credits roll, the game will be stopped on the “Fin” screen.

Reset the game and go to load your save file. You will notice a star is now prominently placed next to your play time.
Load up your file and teach one of your characters the Oracle skill. This requires being at least level 1 in each of the following skills:
- Piety
- Radar
- Playfulness

After learning Oracle, go to the Special menu and use the skill. You will be transported to a cave with a bunch of locked wooden doors. As you level up the Oracle skill, by leveling up each of the component skills to their max, each door will unlock allowing conversation with the “gods of creation,” aka the Tri-ace staff.
Aside from the cool conversations with the devs this area act as a hub to transport you between Tataroy and Revorse Tower. The right exit leads to Revorse Tower, the left to Tataroy, near the arena.
I suggest first heading back to Revorse Tower for some leveling up. A Stone Charm or two would be helpful to have equipped. If you don’t have any see the “Prep and Crafting” section of the guide.
NOTE: I suggest reading over the whole guide first. This is a suggested order, but you may already have some of the skills/ items or be at a high level. If you identify portions you can skip or don’t feel like doing, feel free.
Grinding in Revorse Tower
By the time you reach the 30th floor of the Seven Star dungeon, I would HIGHLY suggest being as close to level 100 as possible. You can definitely finish it in the 80s if you are skilled and are quick at entering commands during battle. Higher than 100 is overkill.
Why not just level in the Seven Star dungeon? You will, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to get in extra battles considering you cannot save between floors.
You could train on the first floor of the dungeon and keep exiting to Tataroy and run over to the inn to heal, but that takes longer than my approach.

What I would suggest is from the Oracle room heading back to Revorse Tower and going all the way back to the entrance with the gold statue that heals HP/MP. This statue is mere steps away from a save point, so it is the near perfect grinding spot. If you already have Musical Skills, specifically Trumbone 2, you can heal yourself anywhere, but I still suggest training here for accessing menus less.
Use this spot to grind to AT LEAST level 60 with most of your party, and have Ratix in the high 60s to low 70s. This may seem tedious, but it makes life easier later in my opinion. If you want to go higher feel free.
I focused on leveling up 4 characters only for times sake. I chose Ratix, Fear, Marvel and Milly (different from my usual team that had Ronixis so I can spam Hail Orb with Marvel)
As you level up I would be sure to max out the Effort skill first to decrease the SP needed to learn the rest of the skills. I’d then suggest maxing Motor Mouth for any Mage you want to use, and Character specific style skills (ex: Edarl Style).
I would then save SP for later use for other skills after they are artificially leveled up via the Authoring skill, which can raise, but not max a skill.
When you have had enough grinding, and an abundance of SP use the Oracle skill to return to the Oracle room.
Prep and Crafting
If you did not learn all the music skills, now would be the time. Go to Ecdart by heading East to Otanim then taking a boat. Purchase every instrument, purchase two violins if you can afford it.
Immediately to the left of the Music shop is the Jewelry Shop. Purchase all the minerals that can later be used for crafting.
From Ecdart head west to Ionis, the item creation capitol of Star Ocean. If you haven’t already done this, you will spend a lot of time here Crafting, Authoring, Smithing, etc. I will suggest some items, but don’t feel like you need every one. If you feel confident without them that’s ok.
First let’s get a TON of Fol, Star Ocean’s currency. Go to the Art skill menu, from the Item Creation screen. Use the Magic Color item from the menu, your item list will come up. Select Violin. Doing this will give you a chance to duplicate the item. Get as many as you think you need. Each sells for 100,000 Fol, so sell all but one.
[The following will be general information that assumes you already have characters with Item Creation skills at this point in the game. If you do not, or are not confident, I urge you to please read: Talents and Skills.]
Now that you have cash to burn, enter Ionis. To the immediate left is an item shop, go in and buy 20 of every item.
Go to the Special menu for your musician and select Compose. Select an instrument, and the character will attempt to write a song. Do this for all instruments, but prioritize getting Clarinet 2, Violin 2, and Trombone 2. Try until you run out of composer pens, go buy more and try again until you have all the songs [See: Song List]
Artemis Leaf + Lavender = Resurrect Mist or Bottle. Once you get a mist, duplicate 20.
Duplicate 20 Stone Charms. You may have found one in Trial Labyrinth, if not Craft it from Gold/Iron
Duplicate a couple Fairy Rings for Milly or your Mages. Found in Parj Inner Sanctum, Time and Space Lab, and can be Crafted from Green Beryl
Seven Star Skills
The only one you NEED for the Seven Star Ruins is Ratix’s 7 Star Twin Slash. To get it Clear Rank C in the Tataroy Arena.
Then max out Ratix’s Edarl School skill.
Enter battle and repeatedly use Twin Slash, preferably on a somewhat powerful enemy so you can spam it. Keep using it and a dialogue box will pop up saying that you learned it.
Your chances increase when you character is angry, their face turns red , in battle. This is called the Anger Explosion, and occurs when a party member falls in battle. The chances increase when a surviving character has a high Approval Rating (AR) for the character. AR is determined by Private Actions and fighting together in battle.
Linking Skills and No Range Limitation
From the Special menu, when you Select Techs, you can equip both a Short and Long Range Tech to the L and R buttons, for a total of four skills.
This may seem limiting considering the amount of skills you can learn, but the issue is remedied by the ability to Link Combos, which allows up to eight techniques, four on each of the two shoulder buttons.
You can use different techniques with each “page” or simply use the same one four times.
To gain the ability to Link Combos, simply spend SP on the Link Combo skill. As you max it out, you will slowly increase by two to the eight skills per button, four Long Range + four Short Range.
Simply equip a skill to each page, and when you press the assigned button during battle the character will execute a combo of all four skills of that range WITH NO DELAY, instead of one skill at a time.
This is incredibly useful, as it allows powerful attacks in quick succession, the downside is the MP cost of all four skills is paid upfront, so if your character is stunned, all that MP is wasted.
The annoying part is that certain skills are locked into certain ranges, but luckily this can be addressed thanks to a bug in the game.
Lets say in Page 1 you want Hail Orb on Short Range for Marvel, but its a Long Range only technique. To take advantage of the exploit, you simply have to unequip all skills for that button across all pages.
Now go to the second page, and magically you can equip Hail Orb on Short Range. Now exit out of the menu with the B button and come back in. You will now be able to equip Hail Orb on page 1’s Short Range skill as well.
To do this for all four pages simply start this process on page 3 and 4 and work backwards. This allows for the legendary 7 Star Twin Slash x 4 and the Hail Orb x 4 the Star Ocean community talks about so often.
I remember before I really understood the game, after my first playthrough, I had no idea what these people were talking about, despite having beaten the game.
Make sure you don’t make the same mistake!
Powerful Weapons
If you are using Marvel, it is highly suggested to get her weapon Holy Orb by using the Customize skill from the Item Creation menu. If she has the Originality skill things will be much easier, if she doesn’t we will learn it right now.
First use your Author to write seven books on the Workmanship skill. Use them all on Marvel. Use the SP you gained from grinding to level up Esthetic Sense and Functionality skills, and finish leveling up Workmanship. If you can max all 3 skills do so.
Use your Artist to duplicate the Rainbow Diamond item, from the Pirate’s Hideout, to get the max 20.
Use your musician to play Violin 2, and quickly enter the Customization menu from the Item Creation screen. Select Rainbow Diamond and Marvel will attempt to Customize it. Do so until you have 1 Rainbow Diamond left.
You will not succeed without the Originality skill, but conveniently Marvel can learn the Originality skill by doing this exact process.
When you learn Originality you will be alerted and be rewarded 50 SP. BE CAREFUL, wait for the Violin 2 song to stop playing before pressing A to advance the Dialogue Box. For some reason pressing A before the song is done freezes the game.
If you don’t get the Originality talent. Restart the game and try again until you do. Remember always keep 1 Rainbow Diamond.
When you learn Originality, use your Artist to duplicate 20 Rainbow Diamonds all over again.

Now Customize the Rainbow Diamonds again (no music necessary), and you eventually will get the powerful Holy Orb.
For all the sword users, using the two Force Swords given to you during the main game should suffice, as you will find better weapons in the dungeon. You could do some Smithing to get better weapons, but to me its not necessary, sure the dungeon will be even harder, but meh… but for the sake of completion I am going to do it anyway.
For Ratix I would Smith
- Long Sword + Damascus = Long Sword +1 (does not have to be Damascus can be almost anything)
- Duplicate the Long Sword +1 with your Artist to get 20
- Keep in mind you cannot Duplicate Orihalcon ensure you din’t need it for another character (I had 2 of them)
- Long Sword (+ 1) + Orihalcon = Sylvance
- Customize the Sylvance with Ratix (Sylvance and Orihalcon cannot be duplicated, so you have to keep reseting)
- Aura Blade is the result. Very strong, has Holy attribute and 1000 atk.
Now that you have the idea I will just lay out the recipes. Never use your last of a weapon or mineral, always save between steps. Duplicate anything that can be duplicated to 20.
For Cius (whom I don’t recommend for the final dungeon, he is too slow)
- Claymore + Damascus
- Claymore (+1) + Mythril = Silver Sword
- Customize Silver Sword
- Result is Cius Special 1000 atk
For Ashlay (also too slow)
- Long Sword + Damascus
- Long Sword (+1) + Mithril
- Customize Mithril Sword
- Result is Murasame Blade, 1000 atk
For Fear (I recommend) just stick with the Force Sword, has higher attack than custom weapon and its not worth the hassle. If you want to:
- Gladius + Damascus
- Gladius (+1) + Rune Metal
- Customize Bloody Sword
- Deathbringer, 700 atk
For Tinek (I recommend)
- Long Spear + Damascus
- Long Spear (+1) + Orihalcon
- Customize Spinning Spear
- Result is Offering, 1000 atk with Thunder attribute
For Perisie
- Knuckle + Damascus
- Knuckle (+1) + Orihalcon
- Customize Cat Fang
- Q Power Punch, 1000 atk
For Iria
- Knuckle + Damascus
- Knuckle (+1) + Rune Metal
- Customize Metal Fang WITH RONIXIS
- Kaiser Knuckle, 900 atk
For Ronixis, all his best weapons are in and after the ruins.
Joshua (whom I don’t recommend) and Milly can buy the Crest Rod in Sylvalant
Armor Suggestions
Duel Suits (1 in Time and Space lab, 1 in Revorse Tower, 1 in Time and Space Lab AFTER beating the game, where Asmodeus was) and Star Cloaks (2 in Revorse Tower) should be enough for body armor.
For head armor almost anything found at the Time and Space lab or later, including Duel Helm, Hermit Helm or Elven Cap. If you have some Rainbow Diamonds left you can duplicate them to 20, SAVE, and Craft Dream Crowns for all active party members.
For Shieldd I suggest the Star Guard, found in Revorse Tower and each time you get past Rank C in the Tataroy Arena. It is the only Shield that anyone can equip.
For Leg Armor, I am not too particular. Just equip anything.
Santa and Sylvalant
Next take a boat to Sylvalant to buy Resurrect bottles and Cure Stones.
While in Sylvalant you should probably stop at Santa’s Workshop (Hope you listened about selling Violins)

Go to the building to the right of the steps leading up to Sylvalant Castle. It has a guard standing out front. If you go in that building’s courtyard face right and press A. You will speak to a white-bearded merchant with a lot of expensive stuff for sale.

I chose to purchase 4 Tri-emblems, one for each active party member, at over 8 million Fol a piece, 1 set of Santa’s boots for 4.5 million Fol, and 20 of all the cheap Fan Art and Hentai (Santa, you old dog).
This requires innumerable trips back and forth to Ionis to stack up on Magic Colors to duplicate the Violins, but it is totally worth it. The Tri-emblems increase all stats massively and resist multiple elements. At the very least get four of those (or at least 1 or 2 if your lazy).
The other items are just nice to have as a badge of honor, with the Santa’s boots giving you a gift if your on the nice list.
You are pretty much ready, but before you go…
Gabrielle Boss Fight

Since you spent all this time powering up, you might as well kill two tough side quests in one go.
Being well equipped now, you should have no problem beating this pain in the ass boss. Beforehand, make sure you equip every character with Stone Charms, have 20 Stone Cures and plenty of Resurrect Bottles. It wouldn’t hurt to have Milly either.
Also make sure to use another weapon for Ratix beside Aura Blade, the boss will absorb the damage.
The key in this battle is spamming 7 Star Twin Slash x 4 with Ratix on Gabrielle and having the other party members kill the Hound-forms and keep him alive/ not petrified.
When the hound forms are cleared let your other attackers participate from a distance to avoid getting stoned. I really like Marvel and Fear here, but remember their focus is still to keep Ratix alive.
At this level and with the aforementioned equipment it should not be too hard, but you can still get jammed up if she stones your party members.
I did this battle at level 65, with no Tri-emblems or any of the powerful weapons. It was hard, and I barely won, but I pulled it off. You can do it at an even lower level if you are fast with the inputs and have good equipment. She has around 32,000 HP and can block attacks, so it is an ordeal if underleveled.
I retried it with all the upgrades and won in minutes.
For winning you get Extravagant Armor or an Extravagant swords, and a TON of experience. Once you can readily beat Gabrielle she is a solid level up option.
Finally ! The Seven Star Ruins.

Use Oracle, exit to the left. You will appear in Tataroy in a grass patch. Walk forward a step and immediately back to your original location to enter the dungeons invisible entrance.
Remember, 30 floors with no saving, but you can bail out with Oracle at anytime and start over; better than losing all those level ups.
Equip your Stone Charms, the first 10 floors have the same enemies from Revorse Tower, including that annoying eyeball that petrifies you.
Floor B1

Nothing of interest here. The Tri-ace staff member will tell you moving stone statues will be important. Save that piece of info for later.
Proceed to the bottom left to go down.
Floor B2

Simply exit on the bottom-left.
Floor B3

Exit bottom-right
Floor B4

At the first intersection go down for a chest with a Stun Bomb.
Head back to the intersection and go right all the way to the steps past the doors.
Trying to go down will yield the message: “Openst thou in reverse and the path shall open”
Start at the door closest to the steps, pictured above, and enter to open a chest. Do the same in the next room to the left all the way back to first door.
You will now be able to go down the steps.
Floor B5

At the intersection go to the right for a chest with Killer Poison.
Head back to the intersection and go down. You will see a weird outcropping to the left (pictured above). Walk through the wall here.
Head down in this secret room to get an Elven Powder, an interesting item that offers 10 seconds of invincibility, in exchange for being paralyzed afterwards.
Exit to the right and head back up to the secret entrance. There will be another almost directly across from it on the right side with two chests containing a Mega Flare Bomb and a Damascus. Exit left were you came from.
Back in this main hall head down and around to the bottom-right exit.
Floor B6

Head right to the end of the hall and enter the upper door. Continue north through the next door for a Star Ruby. Exit down one door to return to the previous room and head left.
You will come to the intersection, pictured above. Head up into the door for a Reflect Ring and exit back to the intersection. Go down at the intersection to get a Flare Ring.
There is nothing else of note on this floor, head left at the intersection and exit at the top-left stairs.
Floor B7

This floor is simple; do not touch the chests and proceed to the bottom left to exit.
If you open a chest, press A again to close it so you can leave, but they are empty anyway.
Floor B8

Nothing of interest on this floor, proceed to stairs at the bottom-left of the room
Floor B9

Another empty floor, exit bottom-right.
Floor B10

Immediately head down, to the left you will see a door and a psuedo-secret passage (see image). Go up through the door for a Damascus, go back down and through the south hole to get a Luna Crest.
Head back to the main room and back towards the stairs from B9 you came from.
Now head right to the end of hall way. You will see door on the upper wall and an exit to the right. Ignore the right exit, which leads to a visually impressive, yet empty dead end, and instead go through the door.
Go down the steps to a isolated portion of of B11. Be careful, the enemies on B11 are different and much tougher. Quickly head left and down for a Stone Charm and Damascus. Go back up to B10 and relative safety. Head back to the main room.
Go back around and head to the lower right of the room, exit to the right
In this new, large room head to the top-right, up a set of steps to get a Gold Ring. Head back down to the lower-left corner of the room to grab a Damascus and a Misty Symbol.
The steps to B11 are directly to the right of these two chests. Attempts to go down the steps will be stopped by the message: “Ladies First.” Rearrange your entire party to have all the female characters first.
If you have more than 3, I had 5 in my case, make Ratix the last in the active party, since he can’t be removed from the party, with 3 girls in front of him.
As a side note this is a good time to exit and start all over, if you are feeling you are not ready. You should be around level 70 by now, if not train up, leave and SAVE. Then blow through the first 10 floors quickly.
The next 10 floors are a definite step up in difficulty. Be particularly careful with the Dark Stalkers enemies. They are ruthless and need to be crushed ASAP. Attack them all out.
Floor B11

Grab the Luna Crest out of the chest and exit to the south.
Floor B12

At the intersection go down to grab a Fairy Potion out of the chest. Return to the intersection and head down the right path.
You will come to a bunch of stone statues.
Trying to go down the steps will yield the message “Seek’st thou the beautiful statue.” Remember what the guy on B1 told you?
Walk up to the “pretty” statue, the very first one, a young female and push it to the steps by holding A. Be careful not to completely block the staircase. If you do just enter one of the doors and exit, the statues positions will reset.
Floor B13

Nothing of interest here, just head down the bottom-left steps.
Floor B14

Head right and into the door on the upper wall. Head through another northern door to get an Artemis Leaf.
Exit to the previous room and head left. Enter the first door you come across for Spectacles.
Exit the room and head to the exit at the upper-left; there is nothing else of interest on this floor.
Floor B15

Halfway there! You shouldn’t be struggling too much if you prepped as I said and aren’t getting any unlucky encounters.
This floor has a fair amount of items, and consists of a bunch of hidden paths, so be careful not to miss anything.
To start, head down slightly, ignoring the door on the upper wall, and make an immediate left through the wall. There is a door, enter for a Magic Card and Damascus.
Exit and head down through the wall and right for 3 chests: Assassin Dagger, Flame Spread and Mithril . Head back left for a Reverse Doll. Head left again through the wall for a Damascus.
Head to the top-left stairs to an isolated portion of Floor B16. Grab the two chests for a ? Gem and Rainbow Diamond. Identifying the Gem will yield a Mithril.
Head back up to B15. Head down to another set of stairs to B16. Head left immediately to take a path to get a Reflect Ring. Head back towards the steps. From the steps head south for a Star Ruby.
Head back up to B15.
Admittedly, I was lost here for like a half hour, but return to the chest where you got the Reverse Doll, go down slightly, head left through the wall and follow the path down and right out to the other side. For simplicity, the entrance is in the picture above.
Exit by the steps directly south, the right path leads to two chests that were already open (was someone else already here?)
Floor B16

Head down immediately and entered the passage on the right pictured above for 3 chests; 2 x ? Guard and a set of Elven Boots. The two mystery items are Cat Armor and a Star Guard. All three of these items are solid pieces of equipment.
Exit this room and in the main room head to the stairs to the south, ignoring all other passages on the way.
Floor B17

Head towards the stairs on the bottom-left. Your path will be blocked by the message “Freest thou everything and the path shall open,” meaning get all the chests open.
This one was a bit tricky and took me a minute, but the solution is as follows.
- Open the rightmost chest
- Open the second from the left
- Open the leftmost chest
- Open the second from the right
- Open the rightmost chest
- Open the leftmost chest
Proceed down to B18.
Floor B18

Head down immediately for a Crown and a Reverse Doll.
Go back to the intersection and follow the path to the right. Enter each of the four doors for a chest: Star Ruby, Purple Mist, Cinderella Vial, and ?Gem. The latter can be Identified as a Mithril.
Exit and head down the steps to B19.
Floor B19

If you feel like you have been struggling, now would be a time to use Oracle to exit and save. This floor has a trap that could kill you AND the enemies increase in difficulty on floor 21 again.
If you are feeling confident, continue, but read this section first before proceeding on this floor.
As soon as you enter you will see three chests, grab the Heal Ring out of the rightmost, open one. The rest are empty.
Head right, until you see a door on the upper wall. Enter. Head up towards another upper door. STOP!
Prepare your party. Equip Stone Charms on everyone and a Reverse Doll on at least one person, preferably your healer.
I would probably keep the Tri-emblem, if you have them, on all except your healer who should have a Stone Charm and Reverse Doll as their accessory.
Heal up with Trombone 2 or items. When you enter the door you will be ambushed by two Demonic Eyes and your HP will be reduced to 1 HP at the start of battle. HEAL UP ASAP.
I was caught completely off guard by this one and almost died, luckily I had Stone Charms equipped from the first 10 floors, and had Milly to save my ass.
Strategywise, I suggest attacking from a distance with all characters except Ratix who, as usual, should 7 Star Twin Slash x 4.
The strategy should be similar to the Gabrielle fight, have you long range attackers attack, but primarily focus on keeping Ratix, and each other, healed and not stoned. You should make quick work of them as long as you get past the initial 1 HP portion of the battle.
Grab the two chests for a Magic Color and ? Weapon. Identifying the mystery weapon will yield a Meteor Crash. Exit the room (if you come back in you will have to face the trap and Demonic Eyes again.)
You’ll see a wounded guy, Kuma, telling you to be careful… thanks asshole, could have used that warning earlier.
Anyway, nothing else interesting on the floor, exit at the top-left.
Floor B20

Remember the enemies will be different and more difficult again once you reach the next floor, so if you feel safe here, grind a bit.
Head down into the room with the half-dead guy to grab a Witch Powder. Exit and head to the top-left stairs to an isolated portion of floor B21. Grab the ?Jewelry, a Fairy Ring when Identified, and the Misty Symbol.
Head back up and then south to another room. You can see an enclosed area with five chests. To get in go to the left side and walk through the wall at the spot pictured above.
The chests contain: Ruby, Artemis Leaf, Savory, ?Gem,which can be Identified as a Mithril and Protect Ring. Exit this area back to the main room.
Head down the left corridor to a new room. Then head down past two quarreling adventurers to the next room. Grab the Green Beryl and head down the steps to floor B21.
Floor B21

From here on out you will face the strongest variant of each enemy, as well as Dark Stalkers and Demonic Eyes. So be careful and keep the Stone Charms handy.
Exit bottom-right. All the rooms are empty.
Floor B22

Open the first two chests for a Cinderella Vial and Might Potion, skip the third chest.
If you try and leave through the bottom-right steps, you will receive the message: “The adventurer followeth his dream of treasure.”
Use the A button to drag the statue behind the rightmost chest, as pictured. Proceed to B23.
Floor B23

Exit bottom-left.
Floor B24

Exit bottom-left.
Floor B25

Head into the door on the upper wall. Head left. At the intersection Head up into a room for a Talisman. Exit and head down for a Paralysis Charm. Ignore the steps to the right. Head back to the the steps from B24.
Ignore the downward path and head left slightly to an intersection. Go down. Follow this path to the next intersection and go left.
You will come to a K-shaped intersection. Take the upper-right path.
Then make a left and down the steps.
Floor B26

Trying to exit via the bottom-left steps yields the message: “It is humiliating to be seen.”
You want to drag the statue to the top-right of this small roon, into the hole in the wall near the mini-steps (pictured above.)
Then exit through the south exit.
Floor B27

Head south immediately and follow path to the steps in the south. Do not enter any passageways, there is nothing of interest on this floor.
Floor B28

Exit bottom-left.
Floor B29

This floor is a shit show. You will come across two traps like you faced with the Demonic Eyes earlier, but with different enemies.
The layout of the floor is very similar to the last one with the trap. Head right, enter the door on the north wall. You will see another door to the north, STOP. Prepare for battle. I would suggest a Reverse Doll or two.
Enter the door to fight two Evil Terratos. The key, again, is to heal up quick, then go all out attack. You should make short work of these suckers.
After you defeat them, grab the Mirage Robe and ?Weapon, which when Identified yields a Glowthal Sword, and exit.
Head left. Prepare for battle again, and enter the first door you see. This time is much tougher, two Dark Stalkers. Again, Heal ASAP and go all out attack. Something to consider is the speed of these enemies. They can land an attack on you in no time. The Lowe Square formation, with your healer in slot 4 can slow things down. You will probably be able to pull off a heal without both of them getting to you. 7 Star Twin Slash x 4 is a good idea as well.
When you win, grab the Dragon Edge and another Mirage Robe. Exit the room and head to the top-left stairs to B30
Floor B30

This is it. Heal up and prepare for battle. Have your best weapons, armors, and accessories equipped. If you bought Tri-emblems, equipping them is a stellar idea. With Tri-emblems level 80 should suffice, without, I would suggest closer to the 90-100 range.
Make sure you have 20 Resurrect Bottles and 20 Resurrect Mists. Compound and/or copy them if you don’t.
Having a high level Milly with Motormouth maxed is very helpful, and fast attackers like Fear, Tinek and Iria, the latter being your last choice.
The fast physical attacks are key and will help keep the bosses at bay. It cannot be overstated how important fast physical attacks are, I mostly used physical attacks even with Ratix, only using 7 Star Twin Slash only once an enemy is stunned and isolated from the other two.
If your using Marvel I would spam Hail Orb x4 and using healing items as support.
As mentioned before I would not suggest Cius or Ashlay here, they are just too slow.
Perisie, while not ideal, can help heal and attack.
Joshua can heal and use magic, while Ronixis can use his most powerful spells. Ensure that Motormouth is maxed if you choose to go this route, but even then its not a great idea.
I spent a large portion of the battle reviving downed players, so don’t give up. I beat it on my first try, but there were at least 6 occasions where three of my party members were dead. Being quick with your inputs is crucial.
After the harrowing experience, you will be rewarded with two ? Gems, which are both Orihalcons, a ?Weapon, which is the incredible Soul Eater, a Magical Drop, which sells for 500,000 Fol, the Extinction spell for Joshua, a Sage’s Stone, and a Lightning Bow.
There is not much else to do at this point, level your characters to 255 (!) for completions sake, and move on to Star Ocean 2 for PSX, or the remake of Star Ocean for PSP/PS4/Switch.
Congratulations on a hell of a job, and thanks for reading this long ass document.
TL;DR buy Tri-emblems and be > level 80