Secret Bosses
In this series I will explain strategies to beat some of my favorite games’ secret bosses. You know the kind, the Final Fantasy series’ Ruby, Emerald Weapons, and Omega Weapons, Suikoden II’s Luca Blight, Red in Pokemon Gold and Silver; those optional or particularly hard bosses, that really add to the overall replay value of the game, and act as a topic of many a schoolyard discussion. Though they vary in difficulty, they always provide a challenge far beyond that of the main game, and are generally well hidden. This series will get straight to the point, no pompous language, just advanced strats, yo ;P
For the first entry in this series I will be exploring a strategy to defeat the Adventurer and his Comrade in Bravely Default for the 3DS.
This may not be the best strategy available, but it worked for me in my Bravely Default playthrough. Feel free to change my strategy or use a different one all together.
Preparing for the Adventurer.
Be on Track for the Best Ending
- Play all Blue Sub-Scenarios
- Do not break any crystals
Get all Characters to level 99

The quickest way to get to level 99 (and as a bonus master all Jobs) in Bravely Default is to:
- Get the accessory shop in Norende to Max Level and Buy the Growth Egg and equip it to one character
- Get the Conjurer Job to level 9 and equip Obliterate. (At this point you already shouldn’t be far from 99 anyway.) CONSIDER maxing out Conjurer for Exp Up skill.
- Next CONSIDER Maxing out the Freelancer for JP Up Skill, to master jobs faster.
- Master the Jobs: Ninja, Valkyrie, Thief, Dark Knight, and Time Mage
- BONUS: just get to level 99 and add me as a friend (I have all jobs Mastered). Friend Code: 1564-5376-9098
NOTE: The best place to grind is outside of Florem or in Florem Gardens
- REQUIRED: Buy 99 Phoenix Downs
- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED : Buy as many ethers/turbo ethers as possible
Equipment may vary, but some suggestions:
- The best spear you can afford for each character
- REQUIRED: At least 3 of any combination of Hermes Shoes or Sandals. I only had one Hermes Shoes and two Hermes Sandals, forcing me to use Speed Up 30% skill on one of my characters
- SUGGESTED: 2 characters should be wearing Brave Suits
- Link to Weapons List: Final Fantasy Wikia: Bravely Default Weapons List
- Link to Armor List: Final Fantasy Wikia: Bravely Default Armor List
Finding the Adventurer:

The Adventurer is located in the Dimension’s Hasp Dungeon, which appears on the crescent island on the world map in the game’s final chapter. After making your way through the dungeon there appears to be a dead end. Run into the wall to the right until you enter a secret passage. The Adventurer and his Comrade await you in the void.
Job Setup:

All 4 character’s classes are Ninja, with the Valkyrie’s Acrobatics as the secondary skill set. The support abilities I equipped are as follows:
- Tiz: Spear Lore, Two-handed, Auto-Phoenix, See You In Hell
- Agnes: Spear Lore, Two-Handed, Speed 30% Up (didn’t have Hermes for Her),
- Ringabel: Two-Handed, Spear Lore, Auto-Phoenix, See You in Hell
- Edea: Spear Lore, Hasten World, Two-Handed, See You in Hell
Possible edits could be to eliminate auto-phoenix or work in additional Hasten World skills, which are apparently stackable. I did not know that at the time, but BP was never an issue in my battle after the first few turns.
Battle Strategy
- Use Utsusemi and Super Jump/ High jump to start depending on available BP ( Those with a Brave Suit should use Super Jump from the start).
- When all characters have enough BP use Super Jump
- When BP permits, make sure all characters have Utsusemi and Spirit Barrier on at all times.
- If a character dies, those with See You in Hell will deal 9999 damage, quickly revive them with Phoenix Downs or rely on Auto-Phoenix
- When a character runs out of MP due to damage on their Spirit Barrier, use an Ether
- Use Megiddo Flame Special Attack followed immediately by another Super Jump when available.
This endless loop will eventually lead to one of the two dying, or both if you are incredibly lucky. Remember to stay in the air by using Super Jump the ENTIRE TIME up until this point.
When one dies, the other will re-summon another ally. Not a big deal when the Adventurer summons another Comrade, but a HUGE deal when the Comrade summons another Adventurer.
This means the moment the Adventurer dies, DO NOT JUMP ANYMORE, rather go all out using whatever Specials you have on hand to kill that little foxy bastard before another Adventurer comes.
In my victorious attempt I did not know this, as I went in blind, so I was forced to kill TWO Adventurer’s. Despite that, the strategy worked and I was able to beat him in 2-3 attempts, but it took over 40 minutes to kill both Adventurers. Prepare for a long battle.
Also of note is the fact that before coming up with this strategy I died probably 10 times against this boss in a matter of minutes. Following the creation of this strategy, I was able to do the deed in 2-3 attempts, making it worthwhile for anyone who is otherwise struggling with this boss.
Upon defeating the most difficult boss in Bravely Default you will receive one Adventurer’s Mark per Adventurer killed, a symbol of your accomplishments
Check Out My Review for Bravely Default
Retro Revamped # 1: Bravely Default (3DS)